Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hillsong More than Life

Hillsong More than Life

There's more than life at stake here

I wrote that sentence, then had to spend a full minute staring at it, trying to figure out what it meant. More than life? What is there that is more than life? What more? I mean, sure there are plenty of other things out there, plenty of other stuff, but doesn't most of it fall into the category of life? And that which does not, isn't most of that worth less than life, true life? So what could possibly be more than life?

Love love more than life

Well, love I guess. I mean, love is part of true life, real life, but honestly, a whole lot of people go through life but their lives never become more than life because they do not live with true love. If we have not love we are little more than white noise, visual distraction, fillers of space. If we do not love our life cannot be more than life. If we have not love then if we do live on in the record books of life it will most likely not be for something good, true, beautiful, lovely, meaningful. It will not be for much more than life itself.

What else is more than life

Well, I suppose you could say there is character too. I have known people that have affection enough for the people around them, but lack the boldness, or the wisdom, or the initiative to do much about it. And then our love is little more than something that sits on a shelf. That will certainly not bring us more than life. Love with courage, that is more than life, just plain boring old life. Love with risk, that is more than life. Love with patience, love with determination and perseverance, love with charity, love with forgiveness, love with compassion, these are more than life. These are life and life abundantly.

More than life is life abundantly

Life and life abundantly. That is more than life. That is the kind of more than life that I want. I don't want to be the hamster on a wheel, the rat in an endless race through a maze without end, the human always questing and never satisfied. I want life and life abundantly. How do you get life abundantly? How do you get anything more than life? Stop trying so hard to find it in your job, your home, your friends, your stuff, your achievements. It's right in front of your nose.